2 days prior I received mail from Australia with with a package from my dearest.
Inside was a present as well as 2 cards :) one to be opened at 12am and another to be opened at 1159 pm of the 11th.
On top of all this my darling also made me a cake :)
So, my day goes on as normal go to work and head in and my co-worked remembered that it was my bday and wished me as i got in.
Basically the day goes on and on and i find out that 2 of my workmates got me a CK long sleeve top :P
quite nice :P
Also .. some of the kids i've taught over the last 4 months found out that it was my birthday and they all wished me well :) which is nice of them. Funnily enough the kids i told while i was teaching them didn't actually wish me :P and even nicer... 2 of the kids even did this :) cute right?
Anyhoo long day and at the end of it, i expected a cake (why? because every bday person gets a cake) and of course.... i got one :P
it was a lot more obvious when Joanna our elementary school head teacher came out of the (dark) staff room and held me outside :P
and then inside was everybody lined up around singing happy birthday :) which was really sweet :)
the cake was pretty nice looking
After having a piece of cake there was quite a bit of cream around my mouth and it looked kinda comic so i smeared a bit more and Nicoel took some pics......
Then Joanna comes along and rubs some on my cheeks :P
Course i couldn't let THAT stand :P so i fixed that :P
After THAT :P couldn't just have us two looking like idiots so... we fixed THAT too :P
Herena was oh so trusting :P so easy to smear cream over the poor girl :P
Nicole tried to run...... but me and Jo got her in the end :P
And Ashley..... poor Ashley was doing work, sitting down at her desk like any good head teacher should :P...... didn't stand a chance :P
After all of this good fun :P everybody was covered in cream :P the smarter and quicker ones made a getaway before things got bad :P
All these fairly straight laced people....... then i came here :P
and look what's happened :P
So on top of all this..... i asked parents if it was okay to stay home for my Bday and just have a home cooked meal by dad.... and it was awesome :) SOOOO good missed it quite a bit......
The happy bday boy (now 24 :P)
The Cake as requested (unbeknownst to me) by my much prettier half to my sister :)
***thank you darling*
The Bday boy with the dishwasher and the cook :P kekekekeke
Altogether now :)
This is my new soft toy to keep Manny company
And my parentals :)
It was a nice. sweet 24th. would've loved it somebody else was here..... but considering where i was ... i can't complain too much.....
and i must say THank you to everybody who sent me a msg on FB :)
feeling super loved :P hahahah
next cycle..... 2020 :S..... crazy.......
do they have a lack of tables there that you had to use a chair to put the cake on? you should av spun it around and see who the cake landed on :P
didnt realise bink went over too! hehe arent u a lucky one...
hahahah yeah i am :P lucky luckky lucky :P
happy birthday once again darling!
and i'm glad you had heaps of fun (:
can't wait to celebrate your 25th next year cos then you'll be back here!
that's what you think shir..... did he really promise you he'd only be gone for a year? :P
maybe we could arrange a skirmish on ur 25th... how bout a bout it?
she'll kill you :P
i'd like some skirmish of course as always :P
if you leave for more than a year.. i'll kill YOU :P
there you have it .. the finaly word on the matter :P
killin you is better than me :)
so what day did u leave again? ill set a reminder to check for any homicide news reports in Korea hehe :p
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